

Changes to Civil Service Pensions: 2015 Remedy Join our CSPA and Cabinet Office joint webinar to find out more

Your Civil Service Pension changes under the Remedy

Tuesday 29th October 2024 – 1:00 pm on Zoom

Join the Civil Service Pensioners’ Alliance and representatives from the UK Cabinet Office to talk about the 2015 Remedy (McCloud).

Christine Haswell, Personal Pensions Cases Manager for the CSPA, Stella Humphreys, the 2015 Remedy Stakeholder Manager and Kevin Hughes both supporting Civil Service and Royal Mail Pensions for the Cabinet Office, will give you information on the Remedy and the choices you will have to make, as well as answering some of the questions you may have about the Remedy.

The format will be a short presentation followed by a Q&A, and the session will be chaired by a Chair from CSPA.

Watch recordinbg of the webinbar below

Stella Humphries Cabinet Office


The simple answer is: The Public Service Pension Remedy, sometimes known as the McCloud Remedy gives affected members a choice of whether they receive 1995/2008 Scheme or 2015 Scheme benefits for their service in the remedy period.
More information can be found here https://www.civilservicepensionscheme.org.uk/your-pension/2015-remedy/
Individuals that meet the following criteria are in scope of the changes:

  • were members, or eligible to be members, of a public service pension scheme on the 31 March 2012;
  • were members of a public service pension scheme between 1 April 2015 and 31 March 2022; and
  • the two periods above were continuous (or treated as continuous under the scheme regulations, including those with a qualifying break in service of less than five years).

Full information can be found here

If you are unable to make the date but would still like the information simply, sign up as an attendee and after the webinar you will be sent the presentation slides and given access to a recording.