
16 February 2022

Ready to make a positive change this year?: Money Advice and support from The Charity for Civil Servants

The Charity for Civil Servants will soon be offering Debt Relief Orders to civil servants as a solution for problem debt.

If you’ve been struggling with debt, now is a great time to talk to someone about your options.

Debt Relief Orders are a solution that’s available for dealing with problem debt. Take a look at the factsheet to see if you qualify or contact the Charity’s Money Advice and Guidance Team to talk to one of their trained advisors.

Debt Relief Orders are only available in England and Wales. However, for country relevant information, colleagues in Scotland and Northern Ireland should contact the Charity’s Money Advice and Guidance Service for information and options for dealing with their debts.

The Charity for Civil Servants supports all current, former and retired civil servants throughout their lives, listening without judgement and offering practical, financial and emotional support.


Are you a current or retired Civil Servant? Become a member of the CSPA to support our campaigning, and gain access to a wide range of benefits.

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