
18 May 2022

New 10-year Plan to tackle dementia: Sajid Javid looks at new measures

The Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Sajid Javid MP, has announced a new 10-year plan to tackle dementia and increase funding into research to better understand neurodegenerative diseases.

Speaking at the Alzheimer’s Society 2022 conference, the Secretary of State said that the plan will focus on how new medicines and emerging science and technology can be harnessed to improve outcomes across the UK. Actions from the plan include increased funding on top of the £375 million already committed for research into neurodegenerative diseases.

The Secretary of State said: “I’d like us to be as bold as we’ve been with our 10-year plan for cancer. It will be driven by the same four themes behind our reforms in health and care – what I call the ‘four P’s’: prevention, personalisation, performance and people.”

The full speech is available here


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