
29 July 2024

Latest Olympic updates

Verity Morrish

Verity Morrish

This was written by Verity Morrish - Digital Campaign Manager, CSPA

I am not necessarily a sports fan, and on a normal week you wouldn’t find me watching (or partaking) in a sport, team or otherwise. 

But once every four years when the Olympics rolls around you can find me, willingly, watching the most obscure sports, yesterday was a bit of shooting, skateboarding followed by the less obscure hockey and gymnastics topped off by the swimming in the evening.

It seems the Olympics brings out in me some sort of, otherwise hidden, sporting enthusiast. After work today, I will be catching up on the day’s events and medal wins (I have been informed Tom Daley got a silver) and no doubt spend part of the evening once again watching a sport I ‘d normally not care about.  Looking at the schedule it seems surfing might be on the agenda for tonight or maybe some water polo if it’s not finished by the time I get home.

For those of you that with me on the ‘I love the Olympics’ team, the BBC, especially iplayer gives you the opportunity to watch everything and anything it seems.  Click on the icons below to watch live sport, read the lastest news plus view the medal table as it stands.


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