
26 January 2025

Chris Haswell -  CSPA pensions Cases Manager
Chris Haswell - CSPA pensions Cases Manager

Christine Haswell discuss housing and the options open to you.
This article was first published in The Pensioner magazine.

  • Finding the right place to live - Click to listen 00:00

When people think of the older generation and housing, they may envisage a group of oldies in a retirement village solving murders. But life isn’t like a Richard Osman novel. The health and lifestyles of older people differ greatly, as do their housing needs, which can range from accessible and adaptable general needs housing to specialist housing with high levels of care.

The CSPA will be issuing a new guide to help you make decisions about your home, whether you are staying in your home and adapting it or changing to something smaller or with care services.

Staying put

There are several things to think about here – not least, location. A lot of people want to stay in their own home. Perhaps you’re involved in the community and have a support network or family nearby.

If you feel safe and have facilities such as local transport links near you, but just need support in the home, you can look at making provision to stay where you are.

Many older people want to stay in their own home and can apply to their local authority for help. This could be for aids or adaptations, or to help pay for practical support such as a gardener or cleaner.

As time goes on, personal care may be necessary. This is generally handled by third parties, which vary from borough to borough. Contact your local council for information. Social services will carry out an assessment. However, the system can be difficult to navigate, so ask in plenty of time if you want help.

Local authorities have to support their existing population of older people and plan ahead to ensure there are ongoing facilities.

Most areas have a community alarm scheme, which can be reassuring, and it might be worth checking if you are eligible for benefits or a reduction in Council Tax.

You could also consider Homeshare, an arrangement where you provide accommodation for a younger person in return for support – for more details, visit https://homeshareuk.org.

Living with your family is another possibility, though people find this works best when finances have been discussed and agreed beforehand. Otherwise you may find people have different expectations around paying for utilities and food, which can cause tension.

To help you make up your mind, you may find it helpful to use the HOOP (Housing Options for Older People) tool

Buying a new home

If you have made the decision to move, be clear about where and what type of property you are looking for. You might be moving somewhere nearer to your family or to another property locally that’s smaller and easier to look after.

Retirement properties can be cheaper to buy. Wherever you are going, whether in a ‘community’ or an apartment, make sure you find out about any associated service charges as these can vary.

Social housing

This involves renting property through the council or a housing association. You may need sheltered accommodation with warden support and prefer to rent. Check the costs of any extras in a property offering support. You may be an existing tenant and want to transfer or swap. This kind of housing is generally cheaper than privately renting, depending on where you live.

Tenancies can be different lengths, so be clear on the details before you sign up. And, where relevant, find out what would happen to the tenancy and anyone you live with (such as adult children) if you had to go into care, for example.

Private rental

If you are renting privately because you aren’t eligible for social housing or you only need it for a short time, it is generally helpful to do this formally. A written tenancy agreement sets out all the key details – including rent, repairs, and terms and conditions. Your local Citizens Advice is a good place to have it checked over.

Further Help

Age UK Advice: 0800 169 65 65, lines are open seven days a week, 8am to 7pm, www.ageuk.org.uk • In Wales, contact Age Cymru Advice: 0300 303 44

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