
28 January 2025

Throughout the year we will be sharing information on our campaign focus areas. Those topics we feel strongly about and are fighting for on behalf of our members.

This month we are discussing housing.

Whatever your age, where you live matters. The UK is facing a housing crisis, with many struggling to get their foot on the first step of the housing ladder. Those in later life are also facing housing problems, often linked inextricably to ageing. It is time that we re-imagine the future for housing in later life.

Better planning policy

Provision of specific, specialised housing for those in later life has suffered from a clear lack of direction from the UK Government. This must change if we are to reduce the 335,000 older people who have falls or the 1.5 million people who suffer from loneliness due to unsuitable and isolating housing.

Later life housing delivers the most benefits when it is at the heart of the community, near to shops, community centres and transport and health hubs. However, these prime sites face competition and are often lost to other developers, including supermarket chains and other retailers. This discourages development of later life homes, making it harder to re-size.

We are therefore proposing a national strategy on encouraging housing adaptable to the needs of later life throughout the whole of the UK.

In line with the Local Government Association (LGA), we would like the UK Government to action this through a specialist ‘Task Force on Housing for Older People.’ We would also like to see local authorities given greater powers to compel developers to meet minimum standards, which meet local needs.

Lastly, it should be mandatory for private landlords to give permission for, and co-operate with, the installation of adaptions unless there are exceptional circumstances.

Later Life Ambitions

Later Life Ambitions brings together the collective voices of over a quarter of a million pensioners through the National Federation of Occupational Pensioners, the Civil Service Pensioners’ Alliance, and the National Association of Retired Police Officers Association.

We aim to encourage today’s decision makers to confront the challenges of tomorrow.


Are you a current or retired Civil Servant? Become a member of the CSPA to support our campaigning, and gain access to a wide range of benefits.

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