
18 March 2024

Campaign focus: are there enough staff to care?

Over the next few months we will be sharing information on our campaign focus areas. Those topics we feel strongly about and are fighting for on behalf of our members. This month we discussing social care, we shared with you earlier our call for the creation of a national social care service. However, it isn’t just about funding and creating the service, we need people, the carers to deliver the service. Even if you have the money to pay for care, there is no guarantee that anyone will be there to provide it.

There are currently an estimated 165,000 staff vacancies across the adult social care sector, driven by staff pay which is barely above the national living wage. And this is for staff expected to work long shifts, often at unsociable hours, a quarter of whom are having to endure the uncertainty of zero hours contracts.

There is an urgent need for a comprehensive plan to be brought forward urgently to address the chronic workforce issues in the social care sector.

For more information on our current campaign focus you can visit laterlifeambitions.co.uk


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