
16 February 2022

Access to cash: make your voice heard

We feel it is important to protect cash as a payment method. Cash is a necessity millions couldn’t live without, and a backup for everyone when online systems fail.


Which? are running a campaign called “Freedom to Pay”.

With banks and free-to-use cashpoints disappearing at an alarming rate, we’re concerned some people may be left behind.

Help us protect cash as a payment option by signing the petition. Click here to sign and share.


Link, the UK cash machine network has created a tool in response to campaigning to highlight where there needs to be better access to drawing out money from an ATM.

They have created an Request Access to Cash form for you to fill in to request better services for your local area.

Click here to access the tool.


Are you a current or retired Civil Servant? Become a member of the CSPA to support our campaigning, and gain access to a wide range of benefits.

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